The Master of Arts in Leading Innovative Learning Organizations (LILO) is a postgraduate programme featuring innovative learning, professional networking and flexible delivery. The LILO programme is designed to develop aspiring leaders in educational services organizations with the capacity to effectively lead teams and innovative processes and enhance the professional learning of team members to meet organizational and team goals.
An essential part of professional learning through LILO lies in the application of theory and research to the analysis of context for improved practice. This programme intentionally includes courses that emphasise the role of middle leaders in initiating and supporting change and innovation in learning organizations.
There are eight courses in the LILO. Participants take five taught courses that are delivered through intensive residential courses. Participants will engage in pre-residential tasks, intensive face-to-face teaching, workshops and professional networking, and post-residential consultations and activities which will occur through face-to-face or online platforms. In order to further enhance participants’ understanding of innovative practice in learning organizations, the programme envisions two site-based experiential courses and a supervised Innovation Development Project. The project will constitute the analysis of leadership, innovative practice and organizational learning in the participants’ organization, or in the design and implementation of an initiative. It will account for structures that support innovation and professional / organizational learning that are needed for the initiative to be successful.
This website offers an overview of the LILO by detailing the programme objectives, admission requirements, special features, the programme team and instructors, and the eight courses. We hope you find the site informative and helpful.